
8:00 AM

Tradeshow & Networking Opens

9:30 AM

Welcome & Opening Remarks

10:00 AM

Certified Indigenous Business Panel

A panel discussion featuring Certified Indigenous Businesses sharing their successes and recommendations with regards to procurement opportunities within all supply chains of Canada and beyond. In addition, learn how innovation from Indigenous businesses is doing more than just fulfilling a contract requirement.

11:00 AM

Tradeshow & Networking Break

12:00 PM


12:45 PM

Lunch Entertainment

1:00 PM

Keynote Speaker

1:30 PM

Indigenous Procurement Champion Panel

A discussion with Supply Change’s Indigenous Procurement Champions on how they implement strategies and targets to increase Indigenous participation within their supply chains.

2:30 PM

Tradeshow & Networking

3:45 PM

Government Procurement Champion Panel

All levels of government have a responsibility to ensure that Indigenous businesses are full partners in procurement opportunities. Hear from government reps on policies and
procedures that their respective governments have implemented and actioned to increase their procurement spend with Certified Indigenous Businesses.

4:45 PM

Closing Remarks

Pre Event Set up and Reception

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